Live shows

Schermafbeelding 2024 08 05 om 15 31 33

The best chefs on stage

Are you looking for the ideal mix of inspiration, entertainment and a generous portion of culinary knowledge? Then book your tickets now for one or more live shows during the Low Food Festival. This is your chance to see the pop stars of the culinary world on stage. Like the King of Pie, the Queen of Indian cuisine and the artist among the Dutch chefs. We want more!

The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

CREDITS Sophia van den Hoek

Omar & Karla Mexican by Mexicans

Saturday 11:00 - 12:00

Omar, former chef of Coba Taqueria and FC Hyena, met Karla, the founder of Tortilleria Taiyari, because of their shared quest for authentic tortillas. From this meeting a culinary star duo was born! During this cooking show, they will take you on a journey through their Mexican heritage and the dishes they love so much. You will learn how to make real tortillas from corn dough, be introduced to different chili peppers and Omar will show off his talent with one of his favorite dishes: “Carne de cerdo en chile pasilla con nopales,” or succulent pork with chili pasilla and cactus.

6 C9 A8530

Emma de Thouars

Saturday 13:00 - 14:00

Solo cooking
All solo cooks and singles gather! This show is especially for you. With Emma de Thouars on stage it's going to be a party anyway. Especially if you live alone and love good food. Emma is cookbook author, columnist and presenter with a huge love for Asian cuisine and for or solo cooking. After her series Amazing Asia
Solo, her cookbook for when you're on your own. This masterclass gives you an irresistible foretaste. No more endless "frying eggs" and 3 days of the same pasta with tomato sauce on your plate. Learn the most useful techniques, clever cooking-through tricks and new solo favorites that will never again leave you with half a pointed cabbage or bag of spinach in the trash again. The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

Giel Kaagman 3

Giel Kaagman

Saturday 15:00 - 16:00

Surf & Turf met Giel Kaagman
Nature is the origin of every plate at restaurant Kaagman & Kortekaas. Chef Kaagman, Giel to guests, threw classic rules and modern trends out of his kitchen. One of his specialties is surf & turf. For Giel, everything from the land and from the sea is an option for the plate. Especially for Low Food Festival, he creates a bold, local combo. While cooking, Giel shares his philosophy, a look behind the scenes of Kaagman & Kortekaas and some secrets for masterful sauces. The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

Calum Franklin Pastry

Calum Franklin

Saturday 17:00 - 18:00

The perfect pie (English spoken)
British chef Calum Franklin is also known as The Pie King. His Pie Room Cookbook is award winning and his Public House restaurant in the heart of Paris celebrates British cuisine and pies in particular. During the show you’ll learn all there is to know about pie making from the master himself. You'll go through all the steps of a wonderful dauphinoise, Dutch cheese & caramelized onion pie. From crust to topping, Calum will share his finest ingredients and techniques. This show will be moderated by Samuel Levie, absolute pie lover, Low Food founder and owner of Brandt & Levie and Food Cabinet-creative agency for good food. The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

Asma Khan

Asma Kahn

Sunday 11:00 - 12:00

Indian paratha's & potato curry (English spoken)
Asma Khan is one of the worlds' most prominent chefs. She owns Darjeeling Express in London and was profiled on the documentary series Chef's Table. During the show you'll learn how to make the perfect paratha with a lovely potato curry. All these dishes come with stories about their heritage, how food and spices travel the globe and how they became part of our food culture. Expect for the most amazing smells to fill up the room and get a taste of Asma's Darjeeling Express. This show will be moderated by Samuel Levie, absolute Indian food lover, Low Food founder and owner of Brandt & Levie and Food Cabinet-creative agency for good food. The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

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Max La Manna

Sunday 13:00 - 14:00

Imagine5 presents: 
In the Kitchen with Max La Manna (English spoken)
Prepare to be star-struck by Max La Manna, the award-winning American author and low-waste chef. He featured in Vogue, Vice, The Guardian and in multiple BBC-series. His debut cookbook More Plants Less Waste was named Most Sustainable Cookbook at the 2020 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, his most recent cookbook You Can Cook This! just won World's Best vegan Cookbook 2023. During his live show, Max will cook from Imagine5’s A Guide to Low Waste Cooking, creating simple, affordable dishes that use as much of each ingredient as possible. The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

Schermafbeelding 2024 07 29 om 14 39 10

Yvette van Boven

Sunday 15:00 - 16:00 uur

Live podcast: Yvette & Teun
For once, Yvette van Boven and Teun van de Keuken are moving their studio to the Low Food Festival stage. Together they are coming to record a live podcast episode of Food Time. So a unique event, and you can have a front row seat to this favorite feast for the ears. Extra fun: you might even end up on the air with your question! The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.

Kerstontbijt 020 4747 LR

Freddy & Joris

Sunday 17:00 - 18:00

Mystery box with Freddy & Joris
One is the Netherlands' most viral cooking sensation Freddy Trathlener and the other none less than top chef Joris Bijdendijk of RIJKS and Wils. Together they create a live show that already legendary. Because when these top chefs cook together, it's going to be riot! They get a mystery box, and the question is: what do they bake from it in 60 minutes? Never before has celebrity chef Joris done a cooking show without having practiced the dish. Freddy can't get it crazy enough, and is eager for this equal start. With all the technical ingenuity that goes with it. Don't miss it! The live shows are co-sponsored by Imagine5.



Initiators and main sponsor

Low Food Festival aims to open up the world of gastronomy for three days to everyone who loves good, delicious and honest food. We couldn't do that without the brands, products and other organizations that support us.

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