Visitor conditions

Visitor conditions pertaining to Move Amsterdam

These general conditions apply to every visit to Move Amsterdam.

Section 1: (General section) applies to every visitor who visits Move Amsterdam individually or in a group.

Section 2: (Workshops) applies to visitors who book a Workshop at Move Amsterdam.

Section 3: (School visits) applies to educational institutions that visit Move Amsterdam with a group of students.

Section 4: (Children's parties) applies to all participants and supervisors of Children's parties who visit Move Amsterdam.


Section 1: General section

Article 1 Definitions

The following definitions are used in these visitor conditions:

The person who Registers for a Ticket via the Move Amsterdam website or visits Move Amsterdam (free of charge) on the occasion of another occasion.

The person who purchases a Ticket for events that take place in Move Amsterdam.

The establishment of an Agreement whereby the Buyer enters into an Agreement with Move Amsterdam in the manner set out in these General Visitor Conditions.

Entrance fees
The price of the Ticket, excluding any additional costs or additional deliveries.

Right of withdrawal
The option for the consumer to withdraw from the Agreement within the cooling-off period.

The establishment of a registration by the Visitor with Move Amsterdam.

The event in Move Amsterdam for which the Ticket has been Registered.

The place where the Event is held.

The admission or participation ticket to an Event.

Move Amsterdam
Move | House of Mobility B.V., with registered office in Amsterdam and registered office at 1076 CM Amsterdam, Stadionplein 28, registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 68411022.

Article 2: General
2.1 These visitor conditions apply to all Events offered by (intermediary of) Move Amsterdam.

2.2 The general conditions of third parties may also apply to the Agreement, which can be downloaded from the relevant website in the relevant case. The Location where the Event is held may also apply house rules and/or rules of conduct, which will apply to the visit to the Event. By purchasing the Ticket, the Buyer/Visitor agrees in advance to these additional conditions and/or rules.

Article 3: Tickets
3.1 Visitors can register for Tickets via the Move Amsterdam website. When a Visitor Registers for a Ticket, the Visitor will be redirected to the website of Your Ticket Provider and/or Global Ticket (part of Your Ticket Provider and/or Global Ticket will process the ticket Registrations.

3.2 Without prior written permission from Move Amsterdam, it is not permitted to:
a. Sell the Tickets to third parties or provide the Tickets directly or indirectly to third parties in any other commercial manner;
b. Offer the Tickets in commercial expressions – in any way whatsoever – or otherwise refer to the admission tickets.

3.3 If the Visitor acts in any way contrary to these visitor conditions, Move Amsterdam may invalidate the Tickets; holders of such Tickets will be denied access to the Event in the relevant case, without the right to compensation.

3.4. Move Amsterdam reserves the right to set a maximum number of Tickets that can be booked. Registrations that exceed this maximum can be adjusted/cancelled without prior notice.

3.5 Any additional booking costs may differ based on the method and time of purchase. All costs are shown with the Booking. No other costs will be charged than the costs shown.

3.6 Tickets only provide access to the booked Event.

Article 4: Ticket Registration
4.1 The Registration is established after the Visitor has placed a Reservation for one or more Tickets for the relevant Event via the Move Amsterdam website.

Article 5: Establishment of Agreement
5.1 The Agreement is established after the Buyer has placed a Booking for one or more Tickets for the relevant Event via the Move Amsterdam website.

5.2 Move Amsterdam may only terminate the Agreement at its own discretion, or claim compensation or demand performance, if the Buyer fails to fulfil its obligations under the concluded agreement.

5.3 The Buyer is not able to make changes to a concluded Agreement.

5.4 The Buyer must be at least 18 years old at the time of Booking.

5.5 There is no Right of Withdrawal applicable to the purchase of a Ticket. Based on article 6:230p sub e of the Civil Code, the Right of Withdrawal from the Distance Selling Act does not apply to services in the field of leisure activities, if the Ticket is only valid for a specific time and/or date. A Ticket cannot be exchanged and the Entrance Fees will not be refunded.

Article 6: House Rules
The Visitor is prohibited, among other things, from the Move Amsterdam:

offering goods of any kind for sale to third parties or providing them free of charge;

intentionally and for a long time blocking the way of other Visitors or obstructing the view of exhibited objects;

obstructing other Visitors, including by causing noise pollution;

bringing (domestic) animals, unless these are explicitly permitted in certain areas or when they are guide dogs and they accompany a Visitor with an identification pass;


bringing and consuming food and drinks;

to bring dangerous objects or substances in the opinion of an employee of Move Amsterdam who can be identified as such;

to touch exhibited objects and exhibition material, unless this is expressly and explicitly permitted. Parents or supervisors of children must strictly ensure that exhibited objects are not touched by the children they bring with them;

to bring a bag larger than A4 size; and

to allow children under the age of 12 to go to Move Amsterdam without being accompanied by an adult.

Article 7: Liability
7.1 Move Amsterdam can never be held liable for any damage to the Visitor as a result of damage, injury, accidents, injuries, loss, theft or death related to a visit to the Event or the Location. This also applies to the liability of subordinates and/or assistants of Move Amsterdam.

7.2 Move Amsterdam accepts no liability for loss or damage to items by the Visitor for whatever reason. In the event that Move Amsterdam is requested by the Visitor to provide replacement material, Move Amsterdam is entitled to charge costs for this.

7.3 Move Amsterdam accepts no liability for damage resulting from the actions of third parties, including persons engaged by Move Amsterdam and tenants of (spaces in) the building and persons engaged by these third parties.

Article 8: Force Majeure
8.1 Move Amsterdam is not obliged to fulfil any obligation towards the Visitor if and for as long as it is prevented from doing so by a circumstance that is not its fault and that is not its responsibility under the law, a legal act or generally accepted views. In these visitor conditions, force majeure is understood to mean, in addition to what is understood in law and case law, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which Move Amsterdam has no influence, but which prevent Move Amsterdam from fulfilling its obligations, such as strikes, weather conditions, closure of Move Amsterdam, changed schedules, etc.

8.2 If and to the extent that Move Amsterdam is unable to fulfill its obligations towards the Visitor in whole or in part as a result of force majeure, the Visitor cannot derive any right to compensation for damages from this.

Article 9: Visual material
9.1 Move Amsterdam is entitled to take photos and/or record videos during the Event in Move Amsterdam and to use these visual materials for its own (commercial) purposes. Move Amsterdam will adhere to relevant and applicable (privacy) laws and regulations in this regard. The Visitor waives all intellectual property rights (including portrait rights) for the Event.

9.2 Move Amsterdam is not responsible for the distribution of the posted images by third parties.

9.3 Visitors are allowed to take photographs and film in Move Amsterdam, provided that it does not serve commercial purposes.

9.4 There is camera surveillance in Move Amsterdam. Camera images are stored for a reasonable period, in accordance with the General Data Protection Conditions. If Move Amsterdam sees reason to do so, this image material will be made available to the police.

Article 10: Personal data
10.1 The (personal) data that Move Amsterdam obtains when the Visitor places a Reservation will be processed in accordance with the relevant and applicable laws and regulations. Move Amsterdam will only use the (personal) data to implement the Reservation and the communication surrounding the Event. If the Visitor has given permission for this, data will also be used to send the digital newsletter of Move Amsterdam. The Visitor can request access to and/or correction of his data by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

10.2 In the privacy statement of Move Amsterdam you can read how Move Amsterdam handles your personal data and what rights you have in this regard.

Article 11: Applicable law and disputes
11.1 These visitor conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law. Disputes will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Amsterdam.


Section 2: Workshops

These ‘General Workshop Conditions’ apply to participation in a Workshop organised by Move Amsterdam (or in collaboration with an external partner).

Article 12: Liability
12.1. Participation in a workshop is entirely at your own risk. In the event of participation by a minor, the parent/guardian is responsible for the participant. The organiser is not liable for any damage, of whatever nature, that the participant may suffer as a result of participating in the event. The organiser is also not liable for loss, theft or damage to/of property/items.

12.2. Participant or parent/guardian if applicable, indemnifies the organizer from liability for damage that a third party may suffer due to the actions of the participant, during his participation in the workshop.

12.3. The participant or parent/guardian if applicable, indemnifies the organization from liability for damage that third parties may suffer as a result of an act or omission attributable to a participant with regard to (participation in) the workshop. The participant must be adequately insured against the risk of liability for said damage.

12.4. The participant respects other participants, employees of the organization, volunteers and residents in the neighborhood. The participant has respect for nature and the environment.

12.5. The organization is in no case liable for accidents or damage or loss and/or theft of personal belongings of the participant. Participants must immediately follow the instructions of the organization. Participants can be excluded from the workshop in the event of misconduct and failure to comply with these rules of conduct.

12.6. If the workshop cannot take place due to exceptional circumstances, Move Amsterdam will try to find a solution that is satisfactory to both parties. Refund of the registration fee is not guaranteed if the cause is beyond the responsibility of Move Amsterdam.

12.7 Move Amsterdam accepts no liability for damage resulting from the actions of third parties (and any persons engaged by these third parties), including persons engaged by Move Amsterdam to provide the workshop.

Article 13: Portrait rights
It is possible that photos, sound recordings or video images will be taken of the participant at, around or during the workshop. The organizer may make these public and reproduce them for the promotion of future workshops. If you object to the publication of your photo or sound or image fragment, or of the person whose interests you represent, after publication, please contact Move Amsterdam (via [email protected]).

Article 14: Personal data
By participating in the workshop, personal data are processed by the organizer. A privacy statement has been drawn up for this purpose. Where personal data is processed, you will be referred to this statement.


Section 3: School and group visits

These ‘General Terms and Conditions for School and Group Visits’ apply to visits to Move Amsterdam by a school or group.

Article 15: Applicability
15.1 These terms and conditions apply in addition to the Visitor Terms and Conditions as included in section 1, to all schools and groups visiting Move Amsterdam.

15.2 Deviations from these terms and conditions are only valid if they have been expressly agreed in writing.

Article 16: Stay and supervision
16.1 Visitors are obliged to adhere to the directions and instructions given by employees of Move Amsterdam who are recognisable as such. Parents/guardians, teachers or other supervisors are at all times responsible for and accountable for the behaviour of minors they are accompanying.

16.2 It is not permitted to touch exhibited objects, unless stated otherwise; Supervisors must ensure that exhibited objects are not touched by the minor(s) they are accompanying.

16.3 It is not permitted to offer goods or services of any kind for sale to third parties, or to provide them free of charge.

16.4 It is not permitted to hinder other visitors by causing (noise) nuisance.

16.5 When students visit Move Amsterdam, supervision by the school is mandatory during the visit:
- Primary education groups 1 to 4: one supervisor per five students;
- Primary education groups 5 to 8: one supervisor per ten students
- Secondary education: one supervisor per twenty students
- MBO/HBO/WO: one supervisor per thirty students

16.6 Groups must be present 10 minutes before the start of the program. In the event of any delay, please contact Move Amsterdam (020-7234 700).

16.7 Groups and schools are permitted to consume food brought along after consultation at the designated location.

16.8 If these conditions and/or the visitor conditions are not complied with, a security guard may ask the person or persons concerned to leave the museum.

Article 17: Changes/Cancellations
17.1 Cancellations can be made up to three working days in advance. If this is done later, we will be forced to charge the costs incurred for the deployment of staff.

17.2 You can change the number of students up to two days in advance. On the day of the visit, a maximum of 10% of the reserved number of students may be deviated from.

17.3 A cancellation must be made in writing or by email.


Section 4: Children's party

These 'General Terms and Conditions Children's Party' apply to visits to Move Amsterdam by a group in connection with a (children's) party.

Move Amsterdam organises children's parties (hereinafter: 'arrangement') for children. The General Terms and Conditions Children's Party apply to this with the aim of creating clarity between the contracting party (hereinafter: 'counterparty') and Move Amsterdam. We would like to make it a fun party, so we think it is important to have the following points clear in advance:

Article 18: Application
18.1 The Visitor Conditions as included in section 1 apply to all offers made by Move Amsterdam.

18.2 The Visitor Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions for Children's Parties apply regardless of the location where the agreement is concluded and regardless of the location where the agreement will be implemented.

18.3 Move Amsterdam expressly states at the start of any agreement to be concluded between it and another party that the Visitor Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions for Children's Parties apply. The other party is deemed to have agreed to the Visitor Conditions and these General Terms and Conditions for Children's Parties of Move Amsterdam from the moment the agreement is concluded.

Article 19: Payment
19.1 The arrangement at Move Amsterdam can only be booked via the online booking form of Move Amsterdam on the website

19.2 A request via the booking form is final as soon as Move Amsterdam has confirmed the date, the payment has been received in advance and the general terms and conditions for children's parties have been signed.

19.3 Reserved arrangements can be cancelled or changed free of charge up to 7 days before the start. In the event of cancellation/change after 7 days in advance, Move Amsterdam is obliged to charge the costs for the arrangement. Cancellations or changes must be made in writing via [email protected]

19.4 If less is purchased than reserved, no refund will be made, unless otherwise agreed.

Article 20: Supervision
20.1 Each booked arrangement must be supervised by 1 or 2 parents/guardians at all times; the required number of supervisors will be agreed in advance. The parents/guardians will supervise and supervise the children.

20.2 Parents/guardians remain liable for damage to and/or loss of their own or other people's property by the children at the party.

20.3 Visitors are obliged to adhere to the directions and instructions given by employees of Move Amsterdam, who are recognizable as such, or employees, hosts or contract partners engaged by Move Amsterdam.

Article 21: Liability
21.1 Move Amsterdam is in no case liable for, and in no case obliged to, compensate for any damage suffered by the other party, unless there is serious negligence or bad faith on the part of Move Amsterdam.

21.2 Move Amsterdam is not liable for any damage that the other party may suffer as a result of the actions or omissions of an employee, host, parent or contract partner engaged at the request of Move Amsterdam.

Article 22: Other obligations
22.1 Move Amsterdam is obliged to provide the arrangement as agreed between Move Amsterdam and the other party.

22.2 The arrangement must take place on the date and at the time agreed between the parties.

22.3 It is not permitted to consume brought-in or collected refreshments at Move Amsterdam, unless otherwise agreed.

22.4 As a result of unforeseen circumstances, Move Amsterdam may not be able to provide the agreed arrangement (examples: illness, emergency). If an Move Amsterdam will enter into consultation with the other party as soon as possible.

22.5 The other party is obliged to purchase the arrangement to which the agreement between the other party and Move Amsterdam relates.

22.6 If the other party is unable to purchase the agreed arrangement due to unforeseen circumstances, this must be reported in writing as soon as possible, but no later than one day prior to the agreed date. Move Amsterdam will try to find a solution that is satisfactory to both parties.

Article 23: Privacy
23.1 Move Amsterdam considers proper handling of personal data to be of great importance. In doing so, Move Amsterdam adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Implementation Act GDPR.

23.2 The collection of personal data is limited to only the personal data that Move Amsterdam will need to make an arrangement a success. The personal data that Move Amsterdam collects are your name, address, e-mail address and mobile phone number. For the purpose of mutual communication. In addition, the date of birth and first and last name of the birthday person are required to coordinate the arrangement.

23.3 When participating in a package organized by Move Amsterdam, the other party agrees to the use of images recorded during the packages. This image material can be used for commercial purposes on the website, brochures and the like. This can only be deviated from if the parties have expressly agreed otherwise.